Friday, October 29, 2010

Exercise: An Effective Panic Attack Treatment without Medication

One effective form of panic attack treatment without medication is through exercise.  Not only is it effective, it is easy, safe, and cheap too!  Rather than paying a lot of cash for your doctor’s fees and medications, you’d better opt to exercise and improve your overall physical, mental, and emotional health.  When done properly, exercise can not only decrease panic attacks, it can also help you get rid of them for good.  Below is the guideline on how to get the job done.

1.       Before engaging in an exercise as a form of panic attack treatment without medication, it would be sensible to first consult with your doctor.  This isn’t much to ask whether it’s an effective countermeasure but rather, whether you are fit enough to perform exercise regimen.  If the answer is yes, the doctor can also tell what could suit you best.  You may have a medical condition that should be put into consideration, or you may be taking some medications that are better taken before or after exercising.

2.       The moment that you feel that an attack of panic is about to come, move and get those muscles warmed up.  Do some stretches and control your breathing.  If alone or not talking with someone, you can even purse your lips as you exhale, as if blowing up a balloon.

3.       Concentrate on the exercise you are doing.  Even if you were at your work table, you can do simple stretches by standing up or extending your limbs as far as they can go—on the sides and under the table.  Again, focus on what you are doing.  The more you divert your mind from the approaching panic attack, the better you can manage the situation.

4.       When possible, do some walking.  Seeing other things and digressing is an effective panic attack treatment without medication.  In addition, the motion of your legs will prevent you from suffering from numbness or stiffness.

5.       As you step, continue controlling your breathing.  Do this by timing it with your steps.  Take full breaths every couple of steps.  It will constantly remind you to breathe deeply.  Deep breathing is important while having a panic attack because: one, it will confirm that you are not going to die as opposed to what you are feeling; and two, it will bring in oxygen to the body and enable you to relax and think clearly.  As panic episodes may be characterized by derealization or the feeling of unreality, it is very important for the mind to be lucid.  It will help you distinguish reality and illusion.

6.       Once your breathing has gotten back to normal, cool down completely.  Do a full stretch, concentrating on each section of your body.  Start from the uppermost part of your body and work your way down.

Exercise can truly be an efficient panic attack treatment without medication.  It de-stresses you and enhances circulatory functions.  These two are very important in preventing panic attacks, and even when panic strikes, they would make coping a lot easier.

Are you, or someone dear to you, suffering from anxiety and panic attacks? Visit this site: to understand the root cause of anxiety and panic attacks and learn how to chase panic away. Watch the video for tips to Chase Panic Away Now.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Treating Panic Attack and Anxiety

For a person who suffers from panic and anxiety disorder, it may be hard to lead a perfectly normal life. More often than not, the onset of panic attacks is unavoidable and may set off the person at any time. This is why it is worthwhile to know which things can be avoided and which can be controlled in some point. Without proper medication and therapy, there are only a few things that one can do to manage the condition.

Treating panic attack and anxiety can be a tricky process. As panic attacks can happen anytime, it often comes when you least expect it to. A joyous occasion may turn into a traumatic event not only for you but also for the people around you especially your loved ones. You may even experience one in public places when you are more vulnerable to danger especially when you are alone.

You feel weak, breathless, nauseous and helpless. You sweat like crazy and you seem to have no control over your body. You think that you are going insane and you don’t know what to do. After a while, when everyone seem to be as panicky as you are, the symptoms stops, you faint or fall asleep. The next thing you know, you’re lying in bed trying to remember everything that just happened. Then, it occurs to you that it has got to stop. You want to be treated.

The idea of treating panic attack and anxiety may sound like a non-medical thing to most people. But little do most know that treatment of such condition is as medical as any other psychological problem. In fact, unlike physical medical conditions, treating panic attack and anxiety involves more stringent and long-term therapy. One-time panic attacks that accelerate to recurrent episodes may be more than difficult to manage that diagnosed disorders. This is why it is important for the person with such condition to research and know what methods are available for treating panic attack and anxiety.

Cognitive behavioural therapy has been used for treating panic and anxiety disorders for a long time. It involves long-term counselling with a professional medical practitioner who specializes in these types of disorders. It is generally recognized as the most effective form of treatment for this type of condition. The therapy concentrates on thinking of the cause of panic in a more realistic manner. This is to allow the person to recognize that we can have control over most situations and that with proper understanding and care there is really nothing to fear about.

Another known therapy called Exposure therapy will show you a more vivid picture of your panic. It is a type of therapy which involves exposing the person to the sensations that come with the panic attacks. The therapy includes a series of sessions and exercises that deliberately asks you to panic. You may be asked to hyperventilate, think of the things you fear most, and stimulate you to recreate your episodes. Its purpose is for the practitioner to assess the situation more accurately and for you to be able to take control of the situation.

Are you, or someone dear to you, suffering from anxiety and panic attacks? Visit this site: to understand the root cause of anxiety and panic attacks and to learn how to chase panic away.  Watch the video for tips to Chase Panic Away Now.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Self Help for Panic Attack: Proper Knowledge Can Save You

Panic attack is not something that you should deal with alone. However, it will be very helpful if you know all about self help for panic attack in order to give yourself first aid when it strikes. This illness is very unpredictable in the sense that you will never know when your next attack will be. Even if you are successful in treating the first one, there is no guarantee that you will never get panic attacks again.

Your best weapon against unexpected panic attack will be your knowledge in curing it. If you know what to do, you will minimize the risk of prolonging the attack and making it worse. You actually have an advantage if you have already experience a panic attack because most probably you already know how it feels. Also, you can be ready before it even strikes since you will know that it is about to hit you again.

But although you will sort of get a warning when you are about to have panic attack, still you cannot completely prevent its onset. With proper knowledge on self help for panic attack, however, you will be able to take measures that will lead to your fast recovery from the attack. Knowing what to do can make a big difference and certainly make your fight against the illness a bit easier.

Panic attack is both a mental and physical condition. A person suffering from it may be burdened with severe headache, nausea, shortness of breath, confusion and irritability. These symptoms make this illness challenging to deal with, both for the one experiencing it and the people around him. It is caused by tragic or sad experiences in the past that may have an effect on the person’s present situation. He may get panic attacks every time he is reminded of such memories.

With self help for panic attack your primary goal is to relax your mind and body during the attack. Take deep breaths and relax your muscles by doing light exercises. Drink water and stay in a cool place to ease your tension. Since it is the mind that triggers the attack, get rid of unpleasant thoughts and let go of whatever it is that might be bothering you. Fill your mind with happy thoughts and think only of the pleasant memories in order to get rid of the negative thoughts.

Having somebody else help you get through your battle against panic attack will be a very big advantage. Self help for panic attack teaches that the attack is worsen by the feeling of being alone, so having a loved one close by will prevent you from experiencing this additional burden. The other person can also be your outlet. Talk to him or her about what has been bothering you and causing the panic attack as it releases your unpleasant thoughts.

Knowledge on self help for panic attack is not limited to those who have already suffered this illness. Anyone can be a victim and so it is better if we arm ourselves with the right information before it even strikes.

Are you suffering from anxiety and panic attacks? If so, be sure to visit this site: to understand the root cause of anxiety and panic attacks, and to learn how to chase panic away. Watch the video for tips to Chase Panic Away.

How to Chase Panic Away the Natural Way – Don’t Let Fear and Anxiety Get You Down

Do not let stress and anxiety get you down. You can enjoy a more relaxed life by designing yourself a reliable course of treatment for panic attack. There are particular types of herbs that have calming properties. You can explore the use and effectiveness of these herbs in conjunction with some relaxation techniques to maintain a calm emotional and mental state and prevent panic attacks from even happening. Let these tips guide you on how you can effectively chase panic away:

1.      To develop a sense of calmness, meditate regularly. Meditation brings about a sense of inner peace, which is why it is considered as an ideal treatment to panic attack. The sense of inner peace brought about by meditation is felt long after the session is over. In order to meditate effectively, clear your mind with all thoughts and concentrate on a particular object or word. For best outcomes, you can meditate inside a quiet room. If your mind begins to wander, do not get discouraged. Jus release those distracting thoughts and return your attention to that particular word or object that you are concentrating on.

2.      To chase panic away for a long term, regularly take vitamins. Vitamin C and Vitamin B complex are known to have properties that can boost the effects of a good treatment against panic attacks. Vitamin C safeguards the immune system which is an essential function in fighting against anxiety since stress can weaken the body’s natural defenses against diseases. On the other hand, Vitamin B complex encourages the healthy functioning of the nervous system.

3.      To fight against nervousness and anxiety, make use of St. John’s Wort. This wonder herb supports neurotransmitters in the brain to maintain a healthy balance. In effect, St. John’s Wort is very effective in establishing a stable mood.

4.      In conjunction with your treatment to chase panic away, include the use of winter cherry. This particular herb safeguards the body from the ill effects of physical and emotional stress. As an outcome, winter cherry is effective in eliminating any negative feelings such as tension, depression and emotional burnout.

5.      To ease nervousness and tension, make use of valerian root. This amazing herb is a good cure for panic attacks since it acts as a sedative and calms the nervous system. It makes good night sleep possible as it effectively relaxes the body. Valerian root also have the ability to lessen nervous excitability and mental over-activity as it calms a racing mind which panic attacks are characterized by.

There are natural routes that you can take in the desire to chase panic away for a long term effectively. In sum, natural methods of fighting off panic attacks can aid in supporting the nervous and immune systems, making the state of mind and body stronger in the face of stress. Whatever route you choose, these natural approaches could be used alone or in combination with other prescription drugs. However, it is still strongly recommended that you consult a medical doctor first so you would have a better understanding on how to chase panic away effectively.

Are you suffering from anxiety and panic attacks? If so, be sure to visit this site: to understand the root cause of anxiety and panic attacks, and to learn how to chase panic away. Watch this video for tips to Chase Panic Away Now.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Symptoms of Panic Attacks Revealed - Chase Panic Away

Body shaking, heart pounding very fast, sweat trickling down profusely, breath barely being caught, chest aching to its very core, abdomen swirling and about to throw up its content, the environment swirling round and round, the body hardly feeling anything - all these and a lot more weird sensations of an escalated sense of urgency is termed as anxiety attack. These uncomfortable symptoms of panic attacks usually last for 15 to 30 minutes - the longest few minutes of great emotional fear coupled with immense physiologic discomfort.  During a panic attack, the person suddenly feels so caught up and restricted, as if huge throngs of angry crowds are about to eat him or her alive. This umbrella of emotions is experienced without any apparent threat to the person.  This is the reason why such bizarre behavior is classified under Psychiatric Anxiety Disorders.

Panic attacks can happen only once in a person’s lifetime or it can occur several times.  When the attack is recurrent, unexpected and is followed by at least one month of persistent concern or worry regarding future attacks or their meaning or necessary behavioral change related to them, the condition is now called Panic Disorder.  Initial panic attack does not usually have an environmental stimulus or trigger. However, psychological fears or personal distress may be the underlying factors responsible for the attack.  If the negative thought resides in the mind for long or if it is grave enough to result into preoccupation, this may unconsciously be translated into the sudden physical upset. Some people may also have phobias such as agoraphobia or fear of being in places where escape is difficult. This is evident in symptoms of panic attacks showing up in malls, marketplaces or even parking lots. Studies also show that panic is more common in people who were not able to graduate from college and those who are still unmarried.  People who are depressed are also very likely to experience panic attacks.

The symptoms of panic attacks are similar to physiological response to stress.  The autonomic nervous system is reacting to the psychological workings of the mind. For instance, palpitations, sweating and tremors are effects of adrenaline rush.  To a greater extent, paresthesia or loss of sensation, sense of suffocation and chest pains can heavily affect the person’s well-being.  If left unattended or if the symptoms persist, this can even lead to respiratory and cardiac arrest.

Panic is essentially a condition that must not be taken for granted.  Since it brings a feeling of a point of no return, the person’s perceptual field is narrowed. This can result in further injuries or actions that may cause physical or psychological harm himself and/or to others.  After the symptoms of panic attacks have stopped manifesting, the person may feel social shame because of the seemingly ridiculous actions during the attack. Thorough counseling must be done to prevent the recurrence of future attacks. This is not only important to prevent physical harm, but also to stop any kind of negative thought from forming.

Are you suffering from anxiety and panic attacks? If so, be sure to visit this site: to understand the root cause of anxiety and panic attacks, and to learn how to chase panic away. Watch this video for tips to Chase Panic Away Now.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Stop Panic Attack Now by Facing Your Fears Heads On

If you are reading this article on how to stop panic attack now, chances are you have been experiencing more than just a sporadic bout of panic episodes.  In order to solve this problem and go on with your life normally, you need to go through big changes.  Remember that you will not get anywhere better if you don’t start doing something now.  Gear up and take the challenge.

Most panic attacks have obvious roots - a problem child, a ridiculous boss, a dishonest friend, huge debt, poor time management, and the likes.   These are legitimate causes of stress and panic.  However, if you are unsure of the causes, it may help a lot to talk with a therapist who can help you pinpoint it.  You see, one of the best ways to prevent panic attack is to learn to deal with it heads on.  It may sound mundane, thus, is often overlooked.  But if people will only learn how to face their fears and anxiety, it would be easier to fight off panic episodes.

Many sufferers of the condition feel hopeless in confronting their situations.  How will you pay off a huge amount of debt when you don’t have a good source of income, or when you’re supporting the family on your own?  This may truly be a tough situation. However, in order to stop panic attack now, it is very important for you to keep your head straight.  The situation may be difficult, but it is not unsolvable.

One way to confront the root cause of your panic attacks is by reflection.  Think of what’s causing you to be fearful or stressed.  Educate yourself on how to make logical decisions about it.  For instance, if you are in debt, how can you recover from it?  One important solution is to stop letting it bloat further.  Don’t spend unnecessarily and try to live a life that is only within your means.  If there is a family or friend who can lend you some money without interest to pay off some debts, you may check that possibility.  The point is for you to do something and solve it.

Another way to stop panic attack now is by consulting an expert regarding your situation.  For instance, if you have a problem child, you may want to talk to a child psychologist who can guide you about dealing with your kid.  If you have money problems, why not consult a financial analyst?  The key is to find a person with credible expertise in the field so you can get educated advice on the matter.  Do not depend too much on what your friends have to say.  Although they mean to help, they may not end up doing so.

Reflecting on the situation and talking with an expert are just two of the best ways for you to stop panic attack now.  They will help you face your troubles heads on so you will not have to be overly anxious about them or experience panic attacks at their mere remembrance. 

Are you suffering from anxiety and panic attacks? If so, be sure to visit this site: to understand the root cause of anxiety and panic attacks, and to learn how to chase panic away. Visit Now!!

Causes of Panic Attacks – Physical and Emotional

A panic attack is generally described as a sudden episode of highly intense feeling of fear or anxiety.  It often involves physical symptoms such as trembling, breathing difficulties, heart pounding, nausea and loss of consciousness.  Psychological symptoms such as feeling of helplessness and uncontrollable nervousness which may result in fainting or nervous breakdown often do occur as well.  

The length of episode and the incidence of panic attacks vary from person to person.  Some have been able to survive incidents without much trouble by calming themselves or thinking of positive things.  But for others, the attacks may come more frequently such that they would eventually develop a panic or anxiety disorder.  While the triggers and causes of panic attacks are still very hard to pinpoint, it is worthwhile treating this problem as soon as possible.  In some cases it can lead to more severe physical problems such as heart attacks and even death.

To be able to treat any health problem, one should first be able to determine the causes of panic attacks.  Although this is generally undefined in most cases and triggers vary from one case to another, it will do us good to identify some situations and scenarios that might trigger these attacks.  

Most causes of panic attacks are associated with emotional dilemmas which the person may find difficult to deal with.  Stress related incidents like the death of a loved one, a failed exam, a marriage problem or any emotional problem that a person may encounter may lead to such attacks.  However, these sorts of situations may or may not trigger the onset of anxieties and it varies from one person to another according to one’s threshold and soundness of mind or even one’s individual situation.  In any of these cases, the onset of panic attacks may be prevented by the presence of support groups or even caring individuals who can lend a helping hand or a shoulder to cry on.  Open discussions and talks with people concerned or even total strangers may ease some burden on the part of the stressed person.  This may sound like temporary cure but in most cases, it reduces the risk of accelerating the problem.  

A general and known fact about panic attacks is that it is hereditary.  This means that predisposed individuals have higher risks of experiencing panic attacks than people without a history of the health problem.  Therefore, if you know a relative who has had episodes of panic attacks, you should consider avoiding stress related circumstances.  It will also be good to have a routine or regular way to de-stress or to take out negative energies.  A good exercise or relaxation activity can help you unwind after a day’s hard work and prevent the causes of panic attacks.  Continuing and strengthening bonds with friends and relatives may also prove to be a worthwhile endeavour as they can help you get your mind off your problems and concerns.  Lastly, having a good diet while avoiding trigger medications and chemicals can also help lessen or avoid the occurrence of panic attacks.

Are you suffering from anxiety and panic attacks? If so, be sure to visit this site: to understand the root cause of anxiety and panic attacks, and to learn how to chase panic away. Visit Now!!